I know, I’ve been quiet for a while. A lot of very exciting things have been happening both with my research and in other projects I have underway. But, one interesting thing that has come up in the past few weeks is the history of eBook readers. It’s actually very hard to locate a complete, and academically-based, history of this piece of technology. Why?
I got what I needed from the single piece of academic work by Manley and Holley, 2014, but it helps for me to make something that shows the evolution in a visual sense. I don’t have the time or impetus to write my own history of eBook readers, but I do like to keep on top of my Photoshopping, and creating charts and graphs is a good way for me to work on both in the evenings – hence the ebook history chart.
This chart doesn’t hit every eBook reader in the ebook history. It hits the highlights and the different brands over the years. If, for instance, Amazon introduced 3 Kindles in a year, I might have only chosen to show one. It’s not complete, but it’s a good start for those who want to see what the eReaders looked like over time.
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